Laura Op ‘t Eynde

makes work characterised by an interplay between sculpture and photography. Photographs capture memories and emotional states and find their way onto the surface of objects, both self-made and found. These objects are transformed once more when they are covered in a layer of wax that makes their skin soft and gives the image underneath a painterly quality. Through the layering of prints and wax, the sculpture accumulates more and more information, displaying a layered past and transforming the piece into a memory-turned-object. Drawing from her background in construction work, the work explores personal as well as collective issues surrounding psychogeography and escapism.

She is also a founding member of Hotub, a performance collective combining expertise in sculpture, costume design, sound and dramaturgy to create interdisciplinary performances and installations. Most recently Hotub explored the idea of having numerous selves or what happens when you meet your double, in their theatre piece 'Vier voor Bijna Half Twee' which toured during late 2023 in Belgium. Balancing collective and individual work is foundational for Op 't Eynde's practice and creates the fertile soil from which the work naturally grows.

B. 1999 Antwerp, Belgium


2019 - 2023  

2017 - 2018  

2015 - 2017
Sculpture department at KASK & Conservatorium, Ghent (BE)

Sculpture department at LUCA School of art, Ghent (BE)

Fine Arts at Sint-Lucas Kunstsecundair, Antwerp (BE)

Exhibitions & Projects







Group exhibition: The T-shirt Project at Lochness, Ghent

Performance Vier Voor bijna Half Twee with Hotub in Het Bos, Antwerp, BROEI and Tinnenpot, Ghent

Group exhibition: Ten eerste het laatste, Ghent (BE)

Resident with Nomadic School of Arts, KASK, Ghent (BE)

Installation of ‘Spook’ during the Take-over Collective night in Het Bos, Antwerp (BE)

Resident of ‘Bosacademie 2023’ with Hotub in Het Bos, Antwerp (BE)

Group show ‘Art school is a glamorous institute’, Brussels (BE)

Exhibition ‘Zes handen aan één kant van de tafel’ with Hotub, Ghent (BE)

Performance with Hotub for ‘About Space Festival’ in Het Bos, Antwerp (BE)

Group show ‘De Voortuin’; Antwerp (BE)

Group show ‘Out of Bounds’ at Parlor, Ghent (BE)

Organisor and curator of ‘music for invisible cities’ in BROEI for YARD 22, Ghent (BE)

Performance, scenography and audio for ‘music for invisible cities’ by Hotub & Robbe De Pestel in BROEI for YARD 22, Ghent (BE)

Performance of ‘Human Fountain’ with Hotub invited by Stefanie de Bakker for De Serre, Hasselt (BE) 

Performance of The Ark of No One with Hotub in Het Pand, Ghent (BE)

Street performance at Reep with Emilie de Vlam and Hotub for Dag van de Dans, Ghent (BE)

Performance at Kunsthal with Hotub & Pandemisten, Ghent (BE)

Resident artist at Caermersklooster Het Pand, Ghent (BE)

Resident performer at Broei with Hotub Collective and DeVloer, Ghent (BE)

Resident DJ for Powernight at E-WERK Luckenwalde Kunstzentrum, Luckenwalde (DE)

Launch of photographic publication Sightseeing at Antwerp Art Weekend Bookshop, Antwerp (BE)

Resident performer at Broei with Hotub Collective and DeVloer, Ghent (BE)

Broei Teevee, group exhibit with Hotub, Ghent (BE)

Contribution to TIM magazine in collaboration with Megan Daly

Resident DJ for Powernight at E-WERK Luckenwalde Kunstzentrum, Luckenwalde (DE)

CC01 Exhibition group exhibit, Tique Gallery, Antwerp (BE)

Multiplied group exhibit, Troebel Neyntje, Antwerp (BE)